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Question:There is no doubt that the Imam (PBUH) knows the reasons and philosophy behind some rules, like the harms and benefits. For example, he (PBUH) knows the reason behind prohibiting the pork and such other rules. Why doesn’t the infallible Imam (PBUH) justify these rules so that the people would believe in the infallible Imams and would be aware of them?
Answer:In the name of Allah: Be advised, my son, that the Imam (PBUH) only does what Allah orders him to do. The rules with their harms and benefits are hidden because maybe Allah wills so, or maybe our limited minds could not comprehend them. That is why the Imam (PBUH) is restricted with Allah’s orders as He (SWT) is not asked for His deeds, but He (SWT) only orders and we are the ones to be asked. Allah knows best.
Question:Does the infallible Imam (PBUH) know all the issues which we have to believe in without knowing the reasons, like worshipping issues, the prohibition of eating pork, two witnesses for killing, four witnesses for adultery and others?
Answer:In the name of Allah: The infallible Imam (PBUH), whom Allah has appointed administers Muslims’ religious, legal and political affairs, knows all the things mentioned in the questions. Moreover, he (PBUH) knows more than that and he is the source of the scholars’ knowledge.
Question:Allah (SWT) says "And when his Lord tried Ibrahim with certain words, he fulfilled them. He said: Surely I will make you Imam of men. Ibrahim said: And of my offspring? My covenant does not include the unjust, said He." What is the difference between prophet Ibrahim’s leadership (Imamate) and the Infallible Imam’s (PBUH) leadership (Imamate)?
Answer:In the name of Allah: The Imamate of Ibrahim Al-Khaleel (PBUH) was for people only as declared by the Holy Quran, but the Imamate of the Imams (PBUH) was wider than that and was as wide as the prophet's (PBUH) message. The Imamate has levels in terms of its closeness to Allah, knowledge and authority. As we said earlier and repeatedly, each Imam of Ahlulbait (PBUH) was ordered to obey the earlier Imam as it is not possible for the best to obey the good and for the equal to obey whoever equals him. These are some of the differences. Allah knows best.
Question:Is Imam Mahdi (AJ) hidden as a person or as a title?
Answer:In the name of Allah: He (AJ) is hidden as a person. Allah knows best.
Question:Is the person who sticks to the Holy Quran only without Ahlulbait (PBUH) regarded as going astray?
Answer:In the name of Allah: How could he stick to the Holy Quran without Ahlulbait (PBUH)? Does he understand the Quran? Does he know how many rak'as and sojud in the prayers from the Quran? He is either ignorant, being ignorant, or conspiring whose heart has been blackened by his love to enemies of Ahlulbait (PBUH). Therefore, he has deviated from Ahlulbait's (PBUH) path. And there is no power but from Allah, the Exalted.
Question:As Ahlulbait (PBUH) followers, what is our belief in Imamate? Is it wholly or separately?
Answer:In the name of Allah: The belief in the Imams (PBUH) should be wholly, not to believe in one and disbelieve in another. On the other hand, we should believe that the Imam (PBUH) has an absolute authorization in religion and worldly issues. We should not be reluctant in obeying him (PBUH). In this case, the belief in the Imam (PBUH) will be separately.
Question:Some people doubt our saying that it is possible for the captivation (saby) period from Karbala and back to be 40 days, where the captives have walked from Karbala to Kufa, and then from Kufa to the Levant passing through Lebanon.
Answer:In the name of Allah: The scholars have disputed over this issue. Some say the captives have returned in the second Hijri year on the same day (20 Safar). Yet, it should be borne in mind that the leaders of the caravan knew shortcuts which we do not know nowadays. It is narrated that he sent some of the sultans of Banul Abbas to Damascus and told him to come back at the end of the week, and he came back then. So, the captives could have gone and back through these shortcuts which we do not know today, or the year after.
Question:Was what happened between the master of believers Imam Hassan (PBUH) and the enemy of Allah, Mu'awiya, a truce or reconciliation? Do they differ?
Answer:In the name of Allah: After thinking of the circumstances of the case. It was a truce and he (PBUH) stopped the war with Mu'awiya according to some conditions although some of the companions mentioned it as reconciliation. The same was between the Messenger (PBUH&HF) and the people of Mecca which was known as The Hudaybiyah reconciliation. Allah is the all Guide, and He knows best.
Question:It is already known that the logical and narrated evidence proves the infallibility of the Imams (PBUH). However, there are some doubts which are raised by some knowledge claimers like infallibility is not a condition and there are shortcomings in some situations and being treated like other normal people. Accordingly, would you please give us answers for the following questions: 1.Is infallibility a necessity for the Shia sect or not? 2.Is the Shia person who denies their infallibility considered as out of the sect or just mistaken and there is defect in his Shiaism or sect? 3.What is your opinion regarding the proof of some people on non-infallibility which is that some of the companions of the Imams (PBUH) were not convinced of the idea of infallibility? 4.This person (the Shia) says that the Imams (PBUH) have rights over people on the one hand, and the people have also as many rights, if not more, over the Imams, on the other hand. The people's rights are like asking the Imam (PBUH) "Why did you compromise? Why did you stay silent? And why did you stay at home like a dead one (May Allah forbid)?" He justifies his answers from an excerpt from the speech of Imam Ali (PBUH) in Siffeen Battle. Accordingly, is this considered an invitation to ask and question the Imams (PBUH) with strong blaming harsh tone- as opposed to obeying the Imams (PBUH) completely?
Answer:1. In the name of Allah: The Imams' (PBUH) infallibility is a necessity to the sect. Allah is the all Guide. 2. In the name of Allah: Whoever says of the Prophet's (PBUH&HF) and the Imam's mistakes is not a Shia. Rather, he is disguised as Shia for transient worldly purposes. Allah is the all Guide. 3. In the name of Allah: The proof is not correct and the persons who uses it is ignorant, being ignorant, naïve or inexperienced. Allah is the all guide. 4. In the name of Allah: If asking is for the purpose of understanding the reality is not considered out of obeying, but it is the beginning of obedience. We should discriminate between asking and questioning. Asking has to be for the purpose of seeking information, whereas questioning is asking with the belief that the Imam (PBUH) is mistaken. So, they are confused. Proving the right does not mean the right to question because it is based on believing a person to be wrong and this is the opposite of the right thing. Allah is the all Guide.
Question:In one of the cities, some sheikhs recently say that one of them is sent by Imam Hujja (AJ) and they say that this was confirmed to them by truly seeing it, where the Imam (AJ) tells them. The sheikh who claims meeting the Imam (AJ) tells them metaphysical things which are realized because he was told by the Imam (AJ). Many people started believing this or they were somehow convinced at least. Nowadays, this phenomenon started to spread out in the other cities through meeting people or brochures where there are signatures of the sheikhs of the one who saw it by their own eyes. We request you please to guide us in this regard.
Answer:In the name of Allah: Be advised, my son, that the Awaited Imam (AJ) declared through his four ambassadors that we have to falsify or to accuse anybody who claims seeing in dream of lying because he does not know the face of the Imam (AJ). If he has seen the Imam (AJ) in his life face to face, like the companions, then he sees him (AJ) in his vision, only then do we believe him, provided that he is known as trustworthy. This is because in this case he knows the Imam's (PBUH) face. Concerning those who claim seeing the Imam (AJ) and haven’t seen him, there is no way to believe them because they do not know the Imam's (AJ) face. Therefore, all of us have to falsify whoever claims seeing as he was cursed by the Imam (AJ) himself. So, curse be upon him and we pray to Allah to save people from his evil and protect them. Finally, there is no power but from Allah the Almighty.