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Question:Why did Imam Hussain (PBUH) depart Mecca without performing Hajj?
Answer:In the name of Allah: That was because Imam Hussain (PBUH) knew that Yazid (may Allah curse him) sent a group of Bani Omayyad people disguising as pilgrims to kill him (PBUH) even if he was in Kaaba. Therefore, he left Kaaba to preserve its sacredness. Allah knows best.
Question:Why did Al-Jawad marry the daughter of his father's killer?
Answer:In the name of Allah: Would you ask why the Messenger (PBUH&HF) married Aisha who was the reason of killing thirty thousand Muslims, whey he (PBUH&HF) married Hafsa, why the prophet Moses (PBUH) married Zipporah who fought his successor (Wasi) after him, and also the prophets Lot (PBUH) and Noah (PBUH)? Why did Imam Hassan (PBUH) marry Jaeeda, daughter of Al-Ashath, who is the fruit of the cursed tree? Not all the reasons of the infallibles' (PBUH) are known to us, but what we know for sure is that they do not go beyond Allah's rules. Allah is the all Guide.
Question:What is your Eminence's opinion regarding the confirmation of the universal authorization (Wilaya Takweenyia) for the Messenger (PBUH&HF) and for the infallible Imams?
Answer:In the name of Allah: The logical universal authorization upon which the evidence of the infallibles' (PBUH) right was based is the ability to control the creatures formatively. That is, the ability to change rocks into gold and to make pebbles speak like what the Messenger (PBUH&HF) did. It is also narrated that this happened with some prophets (PBUH) like transferring sticks into snakes. All that was done miraculously or as blessings from Allah on the hands of the infallible (PBUH), for Allah has granted him the ability to make a miracle which is done after taking permission from Allah. Or Allah may do the miracle after the infallible (PBUH) askes or prays to Allah. The universal authorization does not mean, as confused by some, that Allah retired (May Allah forbid) and the infallibles (PBUH) has taken the guardianship to administrate this world. There is the worst thing to say. Is Allah their Creator and Provider when they were in their mothers' wombs.
Question:What is meant by Universal Authorization (Wilaya Takweenyia) and what are its limits? And what is meant by Authorizing (Al-Tafweez) and Revoking Authorization (Al-Ta'teel)?
Answer:In the name of Allah: The logical universal authorization upon which the evidence of the infallibles' (PBUH) right was based is the ability to control the creatures formatively. That is, the ability to change rocks into gold and to make pebbles speak like what the Messenger (PBUH&HF) did. It is also narrated that this happened with some prophets (PBUH) like transferring sticks into snakes. All that was done miraculously or as blessings from Allah on the hands of the infallible (PBUH), for Allah has granted him the ability to make a miracle which is done after taking permission from Allah. Or Allah may do the miracle after the infallible (PBUH) askes or prays to Allah. The universal authorization does not mean, as confused by some, that Allah retired (May Allah forbid) and the infallibles (PBUH) has taken the guardianship to administrate this world. There is the worst thing to say. Isn’t Allah their Creator and Provider when they were in their mothers' wombs?
Question:Can you give me a hope to see the Imam (AJ)?
Answer:In the name of Allah: My son, be informed that seeing him (AJ) before his appearance is not possible, but in case it happens, the person who saw must not tell anybody. I advise you to become like Habeeb Al-Asadi and Imam Hussain (PBUH), where Imam Hussain (PBUH) searched for Habeeb. Therefore, if you become like Habeeb, the Imam (AJ) will search about you to help him achieve victory if he (AJ) needs one. Try to gain piety and the first step is holding yourself accountable. The best time for doing so is when you are free before sleeping. Then, think about what you did from the beginning of the day up to the sleeping time. So, if you committed sins with your hands, eyes, or whatever, you have to seek forgiveness from Allah, and you don’t sleep unless you seek and ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness here does not mean to ask verbally only, but you have to show regret and shed tears fearing from Allah. If the tear comes down, then say "Oh, May You Allah forgive me". If you wronged a Muslim with your eyes, tongue, or hand, you have to seek his forgives before you go to bed. You have to try your best to get his forgiveness even if you have to kiss his hands or legs. If you did all this, don’t you think that you have become like Salmaan or Aba Thar. Rather, you have to be like that for the rest of your life. Only then do you gain piety. Allah is the All Guide
Question:Many scholars and Muftis say that saying "Ya Ali madad" is not permitted even it was for seeking intercession or invocation as it is considered polytheism. Is that correct? Is there a source saying that the infallibles said "Ya Ali madad?"
Answer:In the name of Allah: There is no doubt that resorting to other than Allah is not considered polytheism if it was within the permissible limits. My son, don’t you resort to your hand to take a thing, don’t you resort to clothes to protect yourself from cold, and don’t you hear the channels all over the Islamic countries broadcast after Athan "May Allah accept the intercession of the prophet (PBUH and elevate his position in heaven? Didn’t Allah order the Messenger (PBUH&HF) to resort to Ali (PBUH) for assisting him to break down Khaiber gate, where they failed to do so? Then, what is the meaning of polytheism, son? Polytheism is to worship other than Allah and to put a god with Allah (SWT). When you resort to a friend for doing something, you do not make a partner with Allah (SWT). There are supplications narrated about Imams' (PBUH) pilgrimages in which they ordered us to seek intercession from them (PBUH). These are narrated in the books of supplications and pilgrimage texts. Allah is the All Guide.
Question:Is it right that the two Imams, Hassan and Hussain (PBUH), were first named as Hamza and Jaafar, then the Messenger (PBUH&HF) changed their names into Hassan and Hussain?
Answer:In the name of Allah: That is not confirmed for me in an authentic source.
Question:I want to ask about the speech of Imam Ali ibin Al-Hussain (PBUH) when he complained about Kufa people, as narrated in Kitabul Ihtijaj by Sheikh Al-Tabrasi- Vol.2. He (PBUH) went out of the tent and rebuked them for their betrayal. Page 394. "Oh, people, for Allah's sake, I appeal for your answer. Do you know that you wrote for my father and deceived him, and you gave him the covenant, and the pledge, and then you fought and betrayed him?" The first question: what does the Imam's (PBUH) speech implicates? Did Kufa people deceive Imam Hussein (PBUH), and Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) is informing a throng of people a wrong belief or a belief that does not go with the right and actual belief of heavenly Imamate? That belief is that the Imam (PBUH) can be deceived by people. The second question: the objector or the contravener asks "how could an infallible Imam describe another infallible Imam as deceived by people?"
Answer:In the name of Allah: Son, what do you understand from Allah's saying "They deceive Allah and the believers, but in fact they deceive themselves." So, what this Ayah says is what is to be understood from the speech of the Imam (PBUH). Consequently, what is meant by deception is attempting to deceive. Otherwise, Imam Hussain (PBUH) came to Kufa after their insistence, for they had a cogent argument from the Imam (PBUH) as he (PBUH) declared that in some of his speeches. Allah is the all Guide.
Question:Imam Mahdi (AJ) has written in his last writing: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful O Ali ibin Muhammad Al-Samri, I offer my condolences to you and your brothers about you as you will die within six days. So, be prepared and do not inform anybody to be in your place after your death, for the absolute disappearance has started and there will be no appearance until Allah (SWT) orders. This will be after a long time, hearts to become like rocks and the earth to be filled with oppression. Some will come to my Shia and claim meeting me. Thus, whoever claims that before the appearance of Al-Sufiany and the Great Cry is an utter liar and slanderer and there is no power but from Allah. The Questions are: First: Through the writing of the Imam (AJ) to the fourth Ambassador not to recommend anybody, can we conclude from the text that meeting the Imam (AJ) is the representation (conciliation)? Second: He (AJ) said (Whoever claims seeing) which means whoever claims meeting the Imam (AJ). Why did not he say (Whoever claims seeing) which means that he saw the Imam (AJ)?
Answer:A/First/ In the name of Allah: What is mentioned in the question is one of the interpretation. It is also possible to say that the verdict is not confirmed for the one who did not see the Imam (AJ) like the one who saw. And, the scholar does not have to say that he heard the imam saying so, but he has to say that the verdict is as such. Furthermore, he has to be informed that if he has honoured with meeting the Imam (AJ), he must not tell anybody as mentioned in the writing of the Imam (AJ). Allah is the Guide and there is no power but from Almighty Allah. A/Second/ In the name of Allah: The word (see) (in the meaning of meet) will be confused with vision in dream.
Question:Is it right that the two Imams, Hassan and Hussain (PBUH), were first named as Hamza and Jaafar, then the Messenger (PBUH&HF) changed their names into Hassan and Hussain?
Answer:In the name of Allah: That is not confirmed for me in an authentic source.