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Question:It is mentioned that Islam will be spread to all corners of the world in the state of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). But, how will the buildings, streets, and shops be? Will the style of construction change? Most of the buildings in Europe and America are built in European and American style, and even some of the houses in Arab countries are built in this style. Will Imam Mahdi (PBUH) change the style of building houses or streets and shops and make them built in the Islamic style, because there are houses in the Islamic style? Or will Imam Mahdi not order to change these things as long as they do not affect religion? Or will he change them as long as Islam spreads, even the buildings, shops, and streets will change to an Islamic style? Or are the narrations silent about these matters and did not mention them? Or is there no difference between the Islamic style of construction and the European or American style? I want a specific answer about this thing, so what is your opinion?
Answer:In the name of Allah, there are some narrations that indicate that he (PBUH) does not allow the sides of the building from the second floor and above to extend to the public street. The correct opinion is that he (PBUH) acts and orders what Allah has commanded him. Allah is the Guide.
Question:Do Ahlulbait (PBUT) know the exact time and details of their death, or do they only have a general idea?
Answer:In the name of Allah, my dear, every believer has two appointed times, one of which is predetermined and cannot be changed, and the other is not predetermined and can be influenced by various factors and conditions. The Imam (PBUH) undoubtedly has knowledge of the details of both predetermined and non-predetermined appointed times. The Imam (PBUH) acts in accordance with the command of Allah Almighty. Allah knows best.
Question:How do you explain Zain al-Abidin's supplication for al-Thughoor (frontiers) people despite them being from the army of Bani Umayyad?
Answer:In the name of Allah, there is no doubt that Imam Zain al-Abidin (PBUH) and all the Imams sought to protect Muslims against non-believers, to the extent that Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) permitted the sale of weapons to the army of Banu Umayyad when fighting against non-believers. Therefore, Imam Zain al-Abidin (PBUH) had a special supplication for those who protected the borders of Muslims, which is found in the Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya under the title "Supplication for the People of the Frontiers." This means protecting Islam and Muslims against non-believers is a holy religious duty. However, this does not mean compromising any of the principles of the school of thought for those who oppose me in order to gain their love. This is considered a form of flattery towards falsehood. I do not mean to suggest compromising any of the constants of religion and school of thought in order to gain the affection of others. "You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day who befriend those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they are their fathers, their sons their brothers, or their kindred. For those, He has written in their hearts faith, and supported them with a spirit from Him. And He will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. Those are the party of Allah. Indeed, it is the party of Allah that will be successful." (Al-Mujadalah 58:22) Therefore, we must know that it is not in our best interest to flatter those who do not respect us and who are determined to be our enemies and to declare us infidels. Instead, we should invite them to scientific understanding and constructive debate in order to reveal the truth. Allah is Guide.
Question:The belief in "Al-Raj'ah" (the return) is well-known among the Imamiyah (Shi'a). In fact, I have found in some biographical books that when they want to describe someone as a Shia, they say, "He believes in Al-Raj'ah." Could you please explain the meaning of Al-Raj'ah that one must believe in?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is derived from numerous narrations that some of those who have died, been killed, or martyred, whether they were righteous or not, will be brought back to worldly life by Allah for various purposes. Allah is the Guide.
Question:Are the two names "Al-Khurasani and Shoeib" figurative or real?
Answer:In the name of Allah, proving this lacks the evidence. It is known by the believers that in some narrations the names of the people whom Allah, Glory be to Him, gathers from the ends of the world are mentioned, as in "Dala'il Al-Imamah" by Al-Tabari. Allah knows best.
Question:one of the Nawasib (ones who show animosity to the infallible Imams) considers the following as a problem in Shiites: the heritage of Imam Hasan Al-Askari has be taken by his brother and his wife. Therefore, there is no justification that Shiites say Al-Mahdi exists, where if he had existed, he would have been more deserving. What is the answer? In which source can I find this issue?
Answer:In the name of Allah, perhaps, the Awaited Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance) is the one who gifted his father's belongings for those two good people, adhering to the order of Almighty Allah. Allah is the Guide and Knowing.
Question:Some say that the eleventh Imam of the Shiites, Al-Hassan Al-Askari, died without leaving a son. However, in order not to lose the foundations of the Imami sect, a man named (Othman Ibin Saeed) claimed that Al-Askari had a son who disappeared when he was four years old, and that was his representative. How strange that the Shiites claim that they only accept the sayings of the infallible and here they accept, in their most important beliefs, the claim of one fallible man?
Answer:In the name of Allah, there are four lectures for the Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Basheer Hussain Al-Najafy (may Allah prolong his life) regarding this question. They are to be found in the official website of His Eminence. Allah is the Guide.
Question:Some people think that if the Imam (PBUH) is absent so that no one from the creation will reach him or benefit from him. In this case, what is the difference between his presence and his absence? If his absence is because he fears the oppressors in that, he does not fulfill our needs. He will appear when this fear goes away. Then, why should not his fear from them be a reason for Allah Almighty to end him, and once they give up and submit, Allah will find him for them?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be informed, my son, that Shiites are benefited from the blessings of his existence, where Allah takes away various plights because of the Imam's (may Allah hasten his reappearance) blessed existence just like the blessings of the existence of his grandfather, the great prophet (PBUH&HF). This is indicated in the verse "Allah wouldn't punish them so long you are among them". We do not say that no sincere person can see him; rather, whoever sees him is not allowed to mention that, and the vision that is forbidden is the special representation like the four representatives. Allah knows best.
Question:Some people questionably say that Shiites claim that one of Imamate's condition is puberty and maturity, but the awaited Imam has attained Imamate while he was only five. How do Shiites say this?
Answer:In the name of Allah, as it is attained by the prophet Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) while he was only some hours old, because it is a gift from Almighty Allah and to be crowned by Him, Imamate is also attained in the same way because both positions are crowned by Almighty Allah. Allah is the Guide and Knowing.
Question:Doubtfully, enemies say that the Shiites claim that if their Mahdi appears, he will rule by the rule of the family of David. He does not ask for evidence. So, where is the Sharia of Muhammad (PBUH&HF) that abrogate the previous laws, which stipulate the obligation to show evidence when litigating?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it has been proven by the narrations of the Imams (PBUT) that the judge rules by his knowledge except in some cases, and if the Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance) rules, then he is more knowledgeable of the law of his grandfather (PBUH) than anyone else. Allah is the Guide.