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Question:The verse 124 ((And when his Lord tried Ibrahim with certain words, he fulfilled them. he said: Surely, I will make you an Imam of men. Ibrahim said: And of my offspring? My covenant does not include the unjust, said He.)) What is the kind, which Ibrahim (PBUH) asked Allah (SWT) to make Imamate in, and Allah refused and instructed that this kind will not be qualified for Imamate?
Answer:In the name of Allah, whoever commits any sin, whether minor or major, and whoever is not infallible does not deserve the Imamate because he oppresses himself and disobeys the Lord (SWT). Allah knows best.
Question:How to answer those who say: how can be reasonable that the prophet ascended to heaven on a mule 1400 years ago? This saying is used for making Islam a religion of superstitions in front of academic students. There is no power but from Allah.
Answer:In the name of Allah, be informed, my son, that it is mentioned in the narrations and the holy verses that Allah (SWT) created an animal called (Al-Buraq) which has wings to fly like flying creatures. That wing-animal was created for the one who created those who created airplane at our time. After all and as per the narrations in this regard, the prophet’s (PBUH&HF) riding on that animal is concerned with his travel from Mecca to Jerusalem then back to Mecca. This is what is referred to by the holy verse ((Glory be to Him who made his servant go on a night from the Sacred mosque to the remote mosque)). So, where have you been drawn, my son? Regarding Al-Mi’raj (the ascension) in which the celestial creatures was seen, we only know that Allah wanted the prophet (PBUH&HF) to see the miracles of Allah so that he (PBUH&HF) became very close to Allah. We do not know more than this. My son, have you thought of how the throne of Balqis reached from her palace to the prophet Solomon (PBUH) in the blink of the eye? Did the humans expect that one day would come where one who is on one side of the world could contact whomever on the other side? There is a saying by one of the Imams (PBUH), which is: (a time will come where one in the east will be able to speak and see the other on the west). The ignorant people used to mock that and we have seen this through our own eyes.
Question:What is the truth of Adam’s (PBUH) sin? How does he disobey Allah and he is infallible?
Answer:In the name of Allah, Disobedience means the violation of every order, whether mandatory or non-mandatory. The thing which violates the infallibility is breaching the mandatory orders. Our Father, Adam, (PBUH) was not obliged to leave that tree, but that was a kind of instruction to him that if he gets eats from it, he will be in trouble. As he did not follow that instruction, he fell into this trouble as a result of greed for getting virtues. Thus, he succeeded and got his certificate in Allah’s saying ((Allah surely chose Adam and Noah….)). If it was a breaching of a mandatory order, then it was not suitable for Adam (PBUH) to be chosen by Allah. We have discussed this in our research regarding the verses of prophets’ (PBUH) infallibility. Allah is the all-Guide and Knowing.
Question:In the story of the prophet Moses (PBUH) and the Righteous Slave (Al-Khidhr) (PBUH), did the latter tell the family of the boy he killed that he killed him or not?
Answer:In the name of Allah, there is nothing mentioned in the Quran or the narrations which can prove that the Righteous Slave did that as he only did what Allah recommended him to do. When Azrael takes the spirit of someone, does he have to tell the family of that one? So, why do you ask such a question, my son? The Righteous Slave said at the end of the story (I did not do it out of myself). Allah knows best.
Question:It is often stated in the biography sources that Abdul Muttalib (PBUH) heard from a priest, a Jew or a Christian that the last prophet is from his descendants. Accordingly, some orientalists say that the source of Islam is Christianity of the peninsula. They also cite the tradition that Khadija (PBUH) brought her cousin, Warq Ibn Nawfal, who was the one who told the prophet (PBUH&HF) that the revelation he (PBUH&HF) got was the Great Law. What is your opinion in such a narration in terms of documentation and content?
Answer:In the name of Allah, this narration is false as the prophet (PBUH&HF) knew about his prophethood along with his father and grandfather. Allah knows best.