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Question:What is the difference between a Prophet and a Messenger?
Answer:In the name of Allah, a Prophet is only a Prophet and conveys the laws of the Sharia that were revealed to the Messenger(s) before him or during his lifetime. As for a Messenger, he is both a Prophet and carries a different set of laws, distinct from the Sharia of the previous Messenger(s). The differences between these Sharias are partial and not absolute. Allah knows best.
Question:How many times did the prophet (PBUH&HF) perform Haj?
Answer:In the name of Allah, he performed one Haj only after the immigration (Hijra) and only Allah and he (PBUH&HF) know how many he did before immigration. Allah is the Guide.
Question:Allah Almighty says "O prophet, inform your wives and daughters". Did the prophet have daughters other than Fatima?
Answer:In the name of Allah, there is no doubt that the stepdaughter in the society’s custom is referred to as a daughter. Furthermore, if there is a person responsible for the people, then he considers all the women of the people his daughters even if the rulings of the real daughter are applied like the forbiddingness to marry and the like. Since the prophet (PBUH&HF) said "I and Ali are the fathers of this nation", this means they are responsible for its affairs and administration. Therefore, He says of the women believers as daughters of the prophet (PBUH&HF) as well as the stepdaughters. Allah is the Guide.
Question:No retribution before the crime. How would you explain Al-Khudir’s (PBUH) killing to the boy though the boy does not do anything?
Answer:In the name of Allah, Al-Khudir's was according to Allah’s order. Is not Allah the One who gives to or takes the life from the young and old, and He is not asked for what He does? Additionally, the killing was not retribution. Allah knows best.
Question:What is the meaning that the Prophet is Ummi? Does this mean illiterate or does it mean other meanings?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is said that it means ‘illiterate’. It could be right [Allah knows best] that he is Ummi in reference to Um Alqura which is Mecca. Allah’s saying might refer to this “Allah sent amongst the Ummis a messenger from them…” “بعث في الأميين رسولاً منهم ..” otherwise it has been narrated that the prophet had known reading and writing. Allah knows best.
Question:One may ask in one of the forums regarding our statement which is transferred by reason from the prophet (PBUH&HF) and what is its role? I hope to end the answer in a form of a mini-research in order to respond to that.
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is sufficient in this regard to use the Qurnic verse “و ما ينطق عن الهوى إن هو الا وحي يوحى” [Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.]. This means that the prophet’s holy tongue does not move unless there is a divine revelation. Thus, Allah grants the prophet with infallibility, a matter that proves this is that when Allah orders us to absolutely obey the prophet, as in the Quranic verse “أطيعوا الله و أطيعوا الرسول” [do obey Allah and the Messenger] and “ " من يطع الرسول فقد أطاع الله [He who obeys the messenger obeys Allah]. It is known that the absolute obedience is only achieved if the person to be obeyed is an infallible prophet. Should infallibility not exist, the obedience would not be achieved, as mentioned in the Quranic verse: “ما أتاكم الرسول فخذوه و ما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا” [whatever the Messenger orders you, comply with his orders. Whatever he prevents you to do, comply with the prevention]. This, obviously, orders to do what the prophet orders us to do and prevent what he prevents us from. Allah says “لقد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوة حسنة” [You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct)]. This verse orders us to follow the prophet in his behaviour and whatever he does and does not do. This is not right that the prophet is not infallible because having the probability of committing mistakes, forgetting his own or public affairs. Allah is the Guide and Help.
Question:What is the purpose of sending the prophets? Is it not obligatory to send them?
Answer:In the name of Allah, Allah (the Exalted) has created humankind so that they win the grace of the Hereafter through the good behaviour in this world. Since humankind themselves cannot know what they should or should not do, it is necessary that Allah sends the prophets to guide people. This is kind of Allah Almighty. Allah is the all Guide.
Question:What is the type of knowledge (or science) which the prophets have? Is it like that of the prophet Muhammed (PBUH&HF)? The story of the prophet Moses (PBUH) and the righteous slave (Al-Khidr) (PBUH) caught my eyes. He asked Al-Khidr (may I follow you so you can teach me from what you got?)
Answer:/ In the name of Allah, knowledge is different according to the field. The knowledge which the prophet Moses (PBUH) wanted was not part of the prophet’s knowledge of the sharia which he carries, but it was related to fate and destiny and the hidden ways through which Allah’s (SWT) wills are done. This can be seen through the actions which Al-Khidr (PBUH) did like making a hole in the ship, killing the child and building the wall. Allah is the all-Guide and knowing.
Question:What is the difference between the prophet and the messenger?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the prophet is the one who gets revelation and does not come up with or carry a new sharia, whereas the messenger is the one who gets revelation and carries a new sharia and message. Allah knows best.
Question:We would like you to answer and instruct us on the following narrations which show the difference among the messenger, the prophet and the imam: It is narrated that Ismael ibn Mirar said that Al-Hassan ibn Abbas Al-Ma’rufi wrote to Imam Ridha (PBUH) asking him about the difference among the messenger, the prophet and the imam. The imam answered (the difference is that the messenger is the one whom the angel Gabriel descends to and he sees and listens to him, thus he gets revelation. In addition, he may have visions like Ibrahim (PBUH). The prophet may hear the speech, but does not see the angel) {Al-Kafi Vol.1: Al-Hujja book- chapter of the difference among the messenger, the prophet and the man of revelation- saying number 2. Allama Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan Al-Saffar narrated that Buraid Al-Ijly said: I asked Abu Abdillah (PBUH) about the messenger, the prophet and the man of revelation. He (PBUH) answered: the messenger is the one whom the angels come to, he can see them and they inform him about Allah (SWT), whereas the prophet sees visions about real things and the man of revelation is the one who hears the speech of angels through his ears and heart, but he does not see the angels. Yet, the messenger sees the angel and speaks to him. I asked: what is the position of the imam? He answered: he hears the voice, but does not see)) {the book of Basa’ir Al-Darajat- chapter of the difference among the prophets, messengers and imams. According to these narrations, the difference among them is that the messenger sees the angel and speaks to him and sometimes in his vision, while the prophet hears the angel’s voice, but does not see him most of the times and he may see in his vision, but the imam hears the angel, but does not see him at all. There is a query about the prophet Ibrahim (PBUH). He was a prophet and messenger then he became an imam. First, he was a prophet then he ascended one rank to be a messenger. Then, he became an imam which is lower in two levels. How come that he descended to a lower rank in two levels where he lost seeing the angels and having visions?
Answer:In the name of Allah, what is mentioned in the narrations are some differences; among which is that the messenger (PBUH) carries a sharia and the prophet (PBUH) follows that sharia. Our imams (PBUH) are preservers and followers of the great messenger’s (PBUH&HF) as he carried a divine sharia. It should be known that the imamate, which was obtained by the prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) after the prophethood and message, is different from the one, which is of the lower rank. Yet, the intended imamate here is the political leadership in addition to the religious leadership. Therefore, he (PBUH) had the properties of a prophet, messenger and imam. Allah knows best.