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Question:The following text is mentioned in the visitation text of Abu Al-Fadhl Al-Abbas (PBUH) “I bear witness to you of submission, believing, loyalty and advice” [ishadu laka biltasleem wal wafa wal nasiha], and in another text, it is mentioned “I bear witness that you have exaggerated in advice and given the utmost of efforts” [ashadu inaka qad balaghat filnasiha]. What is meant by “advice” in the two contexts? How is it embodied in Abu Al-Fadhl Al-Abbas (PBUH)?
Answer:Advice here, in these two contexts, means to guide those who need to be guided. Abu Al-Fadhl Al-Abbas (PBUH) did that in more than one situation in the battle of Al-Taf. He offered advice to the wicked ones to allow the family of the prophet (PBUH&HF) to have water. He also advised the wicked one not to fight the prophet’s (PBUH&HF) grandson. This is the meaning of the word “advice” in these two contexts of the visitation text, for it shows Al-Abbas’s (PBUH) attitudes on the day of Ashura. The difference between the two contexts is that the first one uses the word “advice” in its linguistic meaning while the second one uses it in the way that we have aforementioned. In this attitude, Abu Alfadhl Al-Abbas used all his power devotedly to the extent that his advice reached to the rational levels in terms of way and quantity with the devoted advisor’s efforts. Allah knows best.
Question:When did lady Narjis, the mother of the Awaited Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance) die? Was that during the life of Imam Al-Askari (PBUH) or after his martyrdom? Was she Sayqel who claimed the pregnancy, held in prison and observance after Imam Al-Askari was martyred? Or was she another woman?
Answer:In the name of Allah, narrations state that the Imam’s mother died in the life of Imam Al-Askari (PBUH). It was reported that she asked Imam Al-Askari (PBUH) to pray to Allah for that, and he told her that she would face troubles in her search for the greatest Imam (PBUH). ,,………..,, As for the other woman, she is not the mother of the Awaited Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance). She claimed that she was pregnant in order to camouflage and conceal the true pregnancy of the Awaited Imam (nay Allah hasten his reappearance) because Banu Al-Abbas were afraid of the Imam as they knew that he would rule the world. When Saqeel claimed that she was pregnant (hamil), she might mean that she was carrying (hamil) the rosary in order to camouflage them [the oppressors] and to keep attention away from the Awaited Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance). We pray to Allah to let him reappear to rule the world by justice. You should know that the name of that maid who claimed the pregnancy was disputable. She might have more than one name among the other maids at that time. Be advised, my son/daughter, that the name mentioned in the narrations is Saqeel, not Sayqel. Allah is the all Helper.
Question:Is it true that Al-Qsim son of Imam Al-Hassan had married during the tragic event of Karbala before happening to them what happened?
Answer:In the name of Allah, this has not been mentioned in our reliable references. Considering the situation of the tragic event in Karbala, one rejects this to happen. This has been reported in some of the unreliable books. Allah knows best.
Question:Some people question some of our narrations saying that these narrations contain the will of Muawya to his son Yazid in which there is an indication that Muawya is aware of Imam Hussein’s (PBUH) right, as follows: “As for Hussein, I have known his status through the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) that he is from his own flesh. I have known that people of Iraq will definitely bring him to them then abandon and leave him alone. If you find him, you should know his right and status to the Messenger of Allah. Do not hold him accountable for what he will do, because we are relatives. Do not ever harm him. The question is: does that make sense? Or there is something wrong with the narration.
Answer:In the name of Allah, there is no authenticated reference which contains Muawya’s will to Yazid. In his will which is narrated, there is an implication which is if anything happened to people of Iraq, send Ubaid Allah bin Zyad to them because he is a brutal tyrant. If what you have mentioned is true regarding Muawya’s admission of Imam Hussein’s (PBUH) right, why did Muawya send bin Zyad? If Muawya really said that, it is then a malignant plan as what had been done in the event of Al-Saqeefa to keep people away from loving Ahlulbait (PBUH). However, Ahlulbait’s (PBUH) love resides in the hearts, and what provoked people is Imam Hussein’s (PBUH) killing; a matter which led Umayyad ruling people to be defeated. Allah knows best.
Question:Some people question the following excerpt from Nahjul Balagha: “our start was we met the people of the Levant, and apparently we have one God, one call for Islam and we are not better than them in our faith in Allah and His Messenger. It is all the same except the issue of Othman’s killing from which we are innocent”. Accordingly, Muawya believed Imam Ali’s saying. What is your opinion?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be advised, my son, reflecting Imam Ali’s (PBUH) saying leads to the knowledge that Imam Ali (PBUH) admits what Muawya and his followers say publically, but he (PBUH) does not want to judge them with Kufur as long as they say “there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”. On the other hand, Imam Ali (PBUH) did not judge the followers of Muawya as devoted people in Islam. Allah is the all Guide.
Question:Some people question the difference between the two following cases: a. Imam Ali’s (PBUH) rejection to Abdullah Ibin Abbas’s request which is instating Muawya Ibin Abu Sifyan on the Levant for a short time till the caliph is stable and then Imam Ali (PBUH) ousts Muawya. b. Imam Ali’s (PBUH) acceptance on Malik Al-Ashtar’s resquest for instating Abu Musal Al-Ashari Abdullah bin Qais to rule Kufa despite Imam Ali (PBUH) quickly ousted him. The reality was that both Muawya and Abu Musal Al-Ashari Abdullah Ibin Qais are same. They belong to the same class.
Answer:In the name of Allah, these two persons are not the same, my son. Muawya is the fruit and branch of the cursed tree of Banu Umayyad who was able to convince people of the Levant to his corrupt ideas. Unlike Muawya, Abu Musal Al-Ashari Abdullah bin Qais had no supporters as Muawya. Allah is the all Guide.
Question:What is your opinion regarding Al-Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib and Aqeel bin Abu Talib (PBUH)? There is a turbaned man who strongly dispraises them.
Answer:In the name of Allah, the narrations on Al-Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib are different and contradictory; some of them praise him, but they are not well authenticated. Some narrations dispraise him. Such narrations are well authenticated as in some of our references as in Ali Ibraheem Al-Qumi and Al-Ayashi’s interpretation to the holy verse “whoever is blind in this world, he will be blind in the hereafter too”. This verse is revealed against this man. Another verse “my advice does not benefit you” is also revealed against him. Convincingly, he did not defend Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib (PBUH); his name is not on the list of those who cared for Islam, rather he cared for Mizab as the greatest master (Al-Ustathul Adham) says. He did not care for Al-Zahraa (PBUH) either. Allah knows best. As for Aqeel, some narrations were attributed to him that he left Ali Ibin Abu Talib and joined Muawya for money. This is not proved in well authenticated references. Going to Muawya might be according to Ali Ibin Abu Talib’s (PBUH) order in order to find out about the reality of rumors on Ali Ibin Abu Talib (PBUH). The rumors spread by Muawya and his followers had affected the people of the Levant region in a way that they confused that Ali is a corrupt man who does not pray or fast, his mere goal is to loot people’s money and shed blood. Muawya might realize the situation of Aqeel, he did not let Aqeel meet people and let Aqeel stay in Muawya’s own house. When Aqeel did not succeed, he came back. This probability is certified by Imam Ali’s affinity to Muslim bin Aqeel, where Ali (PBUH) made Muslim marry his (PBUH) sister as in the references. All in all, the story was a mere lie aiming at political reasons for Muawya’s interest. Allah knows best.
Question:Some narrations mention that Lady Zahraa (PBUH) was martyred seventy five days after the messenger (PBUH&HF). Other narrations say ninety five days. Which of these dates is more authenticated?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be advised, my son, that there are three narrations; the second one says seventy five and the third one says ninety five, which is better than the first and second. However, it is recommended to commemorate Lady Zahraa’s martyrdom in all the three dates in order not for us to miss any reward that might be obtained through holding memorial gatherings on the day of her martyrdom. Allah is the all –Helper.
Question:The religious outstanding scholar Syed Al-Murtada in his book “Al-Shafi fil Imama” vol.3 p.114 mentions that most of Imam Ali’s (PBUH) companions and followers were loyal to and believe in the Imamate of Abu Bakir and Umar. The speech narrator Scholar Al-Noori Al-Tabrasi in the conclusion of his book “Mustadrik Al-Wasael”vol.5. p.18 says that those who fought on Imam Ali’s side in the three wars were martyrs among which so many were loyal to Abu Bakir and Umar. The question is as follows: what is the interpretation to the fact that most of the Imam Ali’s (PBUH) followers were loyal to Abu Bakir and Umar? Where the directives of Imam Ali? How did they hide the position of Imamate from Imam Ali’s (PBUH) followers and supporters who ignore disassociation with oppressors of Ahlulbait (PBUH)?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be advised, my son, that most of the Muslims who pledge homage to Imam Ali (PBUH) after Othman’s killing regard Imam Ali (PBUH) as a fourth Kalifate after the prophet (PBUH&HF). There were very few people like Ammar bin Yasir and Hujur who believed that the one who preceded Imam Ali (PBUH) in Kalifate were not legitimate Califs. At that time, Imam Ali (PBUH) could not convince everyone in Kufa that he is oppressed as well as there are people who did not pledge their homage to Imam Ali (PBUH) nor did they accept him as the fourth calif. In addition to the followers of the three califs, this is the reason why Imam Ali was not successful in preventing the prayer of Al-Taraweeh and ousting Shuraih from judiciary. Hence, Imam Ali (PBUH) was obliged to send Shuraih to distant villages in Kufa to practice justice there for so many followers of Umar Bin Al-Khatab love him. The ones who believe in Imam Ali’s Imamate and obeyed him until killed in the three wars is a martyr. However, the Shia followers kept increasing at that time as he (PBUH) mentioned in his sermons such as Al-Shaqsheqyia and other sermons. After the event of Al—Taff, the enemies and the follower were distinguished. Then, Al-Mukhtar appeared and Banu Umayyad once again. Afterward, Abbasids appeared. However, the Imams (PBUH) along with their students worked hard to spread the right. Gradually, Iraq has become in the way it is now. Allah knows best.
Question:Was the messenger (PBUH&HF) Ummi (a word which seemingly means illiterate) before the mission?
Answer:In the name of Allah, yes, he was Ummi as the holy verse indicates. However, Ummi here means the dwellers of Macca who are called Ummi which is an adjective for the dwellers, but not illiterate (one who does not read and write). Allah knows best.