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Question:"But my brother insisted on me and pleaded with me, so I obeyed him as if he was agonizing over me." Is it correct that Imam Hussein (PBUH) preferred death over peace with Muawiyah?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be informed my son, that the right of the major rule in the life of Imam Hassan (PBUH) after Ali Ibn Abu Talib (PBUH) is for Hassan (PBUH). As for Imam Hussein (PBUH), he did not oppose his brother (PBUH) while performing his duty, where it was not permissible for him in Sharia to do so. Be informed also that the reconciliation which was famous between Imam Hassan (PBUH) and Muawiyah was not in fact a reconciliation; it was a temporary truce like the truce of his grandfather, the Messenger (PBUH), with the polytheists of Mecca. Allah is the all Guide.
Question:How could Abdullah Ibn Al-Hassan Al-Mahadh not know that his son was not the Mahdi of the nation, despite his close kinship with Jafar Al-Sadiq (PBUH)?
Answer:In the name of Allah, It was not surprising that some people did not follow the right path. The uncle of the Prophet (PBUH&HF), Abu Lahab, and his wife, the loader of wood, rejected the Prophethood of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) and fought him until the accursed was killed at Badr. Furthermore, Cain killed Abel, and Joseph's brothers oppressed him so much? "That is a nation that has earned what it earned, and yours is what you earned, and you are not asked about what they used to do." Allah is the all Guide.
Question:Why did the Abbasids not participate in supporting Imam Hussein (PBUH) in Karbala?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be informed, my son, that Imam Hussein (PBUH) is infallible and he does whatever commanded by Allah, the Glorious, his grandfather, the Messenger (PBUH&HF), and his father, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (PBUH). Therefore, he left some and took some accordingly. This is the correct interpretation of the actions of Imam Hussein (PBUH) in his revolution and others, and everything that is mentioned other than that is only speculative judgments. Allah knows best.
Question:It is noticeable that the Prophet did not kill any of the polytheists, even in the places where their fighters approached him, as in the Battle of Uhud and Hunayn. So, what is your interpretation of that?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the Messenger (PBUH&HF) is infallible; he does what Allah Almighty commands him to do. Allah, the Glorious, says "And he does not utter from desire, it is nothing but a revelation that is revealed". It might be said that Allah Almighty has put kindness and generosity in the hands of the prophet (PBUH&HF) such that if he kills him with his honorable hand, Allah will forgive the one who was killed, so to speak. Allah is the Guide and Knowing.
Question:It is said that Ali Ibn Abu Talib (PBUH) was the flag holder of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) in over eighty battles. The question is: How can a fighter carry a flag in one hand and fight with the other? Is it not better for him to leave the flag aside and free both hands to use them in the fighting?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it seems that you have not watched known how the flag is held. The holder puts the flag in his hand when he is moving towards the enemy, and at the time of duel he puts it in the garb of the horse if he is riding, and plants it in the ground if he is on foot as Imam Ali (PBUH) did with the Messenger's (PBUH&HF) flag in Khaybar, as in some narrations. However, it is not necessary for the flag to be in the hands of the leader in all cases. Rather, the flag is given in front of the soldiers to order them to obey him in combat matters, and he should not carry it when approaching the enemies and engaging with them. Allah knows best.
Question:How did Imam Ali Ibn Al-Hussain, Al-Sajjad (PBUH), martyr?
Answer:In the name of Allah, he (PBUH) martyred by poison by Banu Umayyad, and the details are in the books of those who wrote about his biography, such as the holy late scholar Sheikh Baqir Sharif Al-Qurashi and other notable figures (may they rest in peace). Allah knows best.
Question:Did Ali bin Abu Talib stay in Al-Medina during the rule of the three caliphs and did not travel or go anywhere during this period?
Answer:In the name of Allah, his staying in Al-Medina was in compliance with the command of Allah and the command of His Prophet (PBUH) and not raising the sword in the face of those who oppressed him and there is no evidence of his approval of what some have committed. Allah knows best.
Question:Why did no one of Muhammad ibin Alhanafya’s sons go out with Hussein?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be advised, my son, several narrations report that Husseini (PBUH) was ordered by Allah to take only those he took with him to Karbala and to leave all those whom he left. Allah knows best.
Question:Who is Sarjoon the Roman? What is his role in Karbala?
Answer:In the name of Allah, he was a writer and a supporter for Muawyaa and then for Yazid (may Allah curse them). When Muslim ibin Aqeel came to Al-Kufa, and many people pledged their homage to him, Yazid (may Allah curse him) consulted Sarjoon saying “what is your opinion that Hussein has sent Muslim ibin Aqeel to Al-Kufa to seek people’s homage for Hussein? I was told that Al-Numan ibin Basheer has a bad and weak performance. Whom do you think to appoint in Al-Kufa? Yazid had in mind Ubaidullah ibin Zyad to be appointed. Sarjoo, then, said that if Muawiya was brought alive, would you take his opinion? Yazid said “yes”. Sarjoon showed the appointment document of Ubaidullah ibin Zyad on Al-Kufa, saying that this is Muawyaa’s opinion. Muawyaa ordered to include the two countries to Ubaidulah ibin Zyad before he died. Yazid said “do then. Send the appointment document of Ubaidulah to him”. This is mentioned in Al-Irshad by Sheikh Al-Mufeed (p. 42), Tareekh Al-Tabari (vol.4. p. 258), Al-Kamil fil Tareekh (vol.4, p.22), Albidaya wal Nihaya (vol.8, p.164) and others. It is not proved that Sarjoon was in Karbala. Allah knows best.
Question:It is narrated in some of the books which narrate the biographies and killing events that that Al-Abbas (PBUH) used to seek permission form Imam Hussein (PBUH) for fighting in the battle and then Imam Hussein (PBUH) would permit him. The last time that Imam Hussein (PBUH) permitted him was to bring some water for the children. Does that mean that Al-Abbas was brought for fighting or for bringing water? How would you describe the virtue and greatness of watering Imam Hussein’s (PBUH) family through this and other attitudes?
Answer:In the name of Allah, what you have mentioned exists in the books of killing events. In these two situations, it seems that Imam Hussein (PBUH) does not like to push Abu Alfadhl Al-Abbas to fight the enemies, a reason why Imam Hussein (PBUH) only asked him for bringing water. It is known that the fighter whose job is only fighting can kill more enemies than that whose job is to fight and bring water. This fighter will be defending the water and fighting at the same time; his power will be divided between the two purposes. Be advise, my son, that we have reiterated that the narrations on the tragic event of Al-Taff are speculated and different due to many reasons. Some of the reliable narrations say that Imam Hussein and Al-Abbas (PBUT) both went out to fight; if one got into the fight the other would cover the former’s back. This narration is regarded as a foreign, different one from that ones which are known in the books of the killing events where Imam Hussein (PBUH) assigned Al-Abbas the job of bringing water. However, let the Husseini speakers mention what they have memorized of these narrations. Do not argue them. Allah knows best.