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Question:How will Allah Almighty destroy the Sufyani, and who will kill him?
Answer:In the name of Allah, there will be a confrontation between the Imam's (may Allah hasten his reappearance) army and the Sufyani's army after the earth swallowing incident (Al-Khasf), during which the Sufyani and his followers will be killed. This has been narrated by Amir Al-Mu'minin (PBUH) in Tafsir A-Ayyashi. Allah knows best.
Question:Al-Majlisi narrated in Bihar Al-Anwar that the jailer said to Imam Al-Kadhim (PBUH), "Harun calls for you," and Imam Al-Kadhim (PBUH) stood up terrified, weeping, and hopeless about his life. The question is: Isn't it expected of someone in the position of an Imam to face death with strength and steadfastness?
Answer:In the name of Allah, know, my son, that the infallible (PBUH), no matter how high his status in obedience to Allah and His blessings, does not transcend the natural human condition. He feels pain from injury, from being struck, and from the loss of his children and family. If we assumed that he was unaffected by such matters, then there would be no distinction or perfection for him before Allah in bearing such trials. However, the infallibles (PBUT) endure these hardships in obedience to Allah, and as a result, they are granted great reward. This is supported by the incident when one of the sons of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) passed away and the Prophet wept, which surprised some of his companions (just as you are surprised by Imam Al-Kadhim's reaction). A companion asked, "O Messenger of Allah, do you weep?" The Prophet (PBUH&HF) replied, "The heart grieves, the eyes weep, but we do not say anything that displeases Allah." Allah is the Guide.
Question:What prompted Imam Al-Kadhim (PBUH) to say that the women of Medina are immoral?
Answer:In the name of Allah, know, my son, that after the incident of Harrah, which was a cursed event and the result of a cursed perpetrator, no virgin girl was left in Medina, and the honor of many daughters was taken from them. It should be noted that the family of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) was outside the city during that period. Corruption spread in this blessed city. Harrah was not the only incident; the Umayyad regime worked to tarnish the reputation of this good city. The Imams (PBUT) were, within their apparent capabilities, unable to reform the situation, and this is why Imam Al-Kadhim (PBUH) said what he said. Allah is the guide.
Question:Some argue that Imam Mahdi will make peace with the Jews and Christians, as mentioned by Al-Majlisi in Bihar Al-Anwar (vol. 52, p. 376). Isn't Imam Mahdi an Arab? How can he make peace with the Jews and Christians?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the chain of narration for this report is not verified. However, it is possible that there will be a gradual spread of Islam in the world, as his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF), did when he conquered Khaybar before the conquest of Mecca, where he also made peace with its people. Allah knows best.
Question:Some people question the Shia belief in the infallibility of their Imams and the existence of their Mahdi, with some scholars reportedly in contact with him, around thirty people. They wonder, if this is true, how such a degree of disagreement is possible among the Shia, where nearly every scholar or Marja seems to have his own interpretation. Furthermore, they note the claim of Imam Al-Mahdi’s inaccessibility, yet Shia scholars report numerous sightings. How can these contradictions coexist?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the denial of “sight” here refers specifically to the end of the four exclusive deputies’ role (may Allah be pleased with them) as representatives of Imam Mahdi. Personal visions without claims of formal representation may be granted by Allah’s will. As for scholars' differences in rulings, they arise from scholarly processes taught by the Imams (PBUT), the Prophet (PBUH), and Allah Himself. The general Shia are instructed to follow the most knowledgeable living scholar during the Imam’s occultation. Allah is the Guide.
Question:Opponents claim that Shia narrations about their awaited Mahdi describe birds descending from the sky to bless him at his birth, with angels as his supporters at his reappearance. So why, they ask, did he hide in the cellar?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is just as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) was commanded by Allah to take refuge in the cave, despite Allah’s help with unseen angelic support in battles, as the Quran states, "And He reinforced him with soldiers you did not see". Know, my son, that the Imam entered the cellar to escape the tyrant's soldiers of his time, and Shia do not believe he remains hidden there. Allah is the Guide.
Question:Some people wonder why Imam al-Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) will only pledge allegiance to 313 men, and why he will not accept the pledge of allegiance from all Shia at his appearance.
Answer:In the name of Allah be informed, my son, that this number represents his military leaders, the righteous, and those appointed to manage the affairs of the state. Allah is the Guide and Knower.
Question:Some people object by asking whether the belief in Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) is considered a part of the belief in the unseen? Knowing that the Holy Quran has mentioned angels, jinn, and the Last Day, but did not mention Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), so how is the belief in him done in an unseen way, that is, without evidence?
Answer:In the name of Allah, just as we believe in Allah Almighty, Adam, the previous prophets (PBUT), and the greatest prophet (PBUH&HF), whom we did not see, so we believe in the awaited Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance). Allah is the Guide.
Question:Some people object by saying that it is not permissible for Imam al-Askari to hide his son from the people and then demand that they believe in him, if he really had a son born in secret? Also, if the Shiites at that time had searched and found no trace - as the Shiite historian al-Nu'man al-Nawbakhti says - how can we believe after hundreds of years without a fixed scientific evidence?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be informed, my son, that His Eminence the Religious Authority Sheikh Basheer Al-Najafy (may Allah prolong his life) has three published lectures under the title "The Birth of Imam Mahdi (AJ)." Review them, perhaps Allah will quench your thirst. Allah in the Guide.
Question:Some people say that the narration attributed to Khadija bint al-Hadi says that Narjis did not know that she was pregnant on the night of the birth, and she did not have any signs of pregnancy, and she did not find any child in the morning. Did she see the birth in a dream? Is the narration authentic? What is its chain of transmission?
Answer:In the name of Allah, Allah Almighty is capable of concealing the signs of birth on the mother and on others for a reason He sees fit. Do you doubt the power of Allah, my son? Allah is the Guide.