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Question:If the money one paid as Fast-breaking Zakat was sufficient to buy the common food in the country, but did not see the quality or the name of that food. Does that compensate Fast-breaking Zakat?
Answer:In the name of Allah, Yes it does compensate Fast-breaking Zakat. Allah knows best.
Question:If one requested me to deliver his Fast-breaking Zakat to the deserving beneficiary, do I have to pay the same amount that he gave me, or is it permissible for me to exchange it for another amount and give it to the beneficiary?
Answer:In the name of Allah, you may not change it but you can pay the same amount designated. Allah knows best.
Question:If one pays the Fast-breaking Zakat of his fast during the month of Ramadan to the beneficiary, but at the night of Eid he will be a guest and the host does not pay Fast-breaking Zakat of the guest. Is the guest obliged to pay Fast-breaking Zakat of his fast?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the guest does not have to. Allah knows best.
Question:What is the duty of the one who has paid Fast-breaking Zakat, if: 1. He did not intend to get closer to Allah when isolating it or when handing it over to the deserving person? 2. Paying the amount of the Fast-breaking Zakat without intending the allowance for food?
Answer:A.1. In the name of Allah, this one has not discharged his obligation and has to pay Fast-breaking Zakat once again with the intention of nearing to Allah. Allah knows best. A. 2. In the name of Allah, what has been paid suffices. Allah knows best.
Question:One sponsors his sister in all her needs as eating drinking, etc., except for the doctor's discharge and medication, the money is from her. Is it permissible for her brother to pay her Fast-breaking Zakat? Is it permissible for him to give his Fast-breaking Zakat and hers to her?
Answer:In the name of Allah, he should pay his Fast-breaking Zakat and his sister's, and it is not permissible to give his and his sister’s Fast-breaking Zakat to his very sister. Allah knows best.
Question:If I paid Fast-breaking Zakat on the month of Ramadan; then, I would be a guest at one of them. Is it permissible to ask the host to permit me to pay Fast-breaking Zakat on my behalf?
Answer:In the name of Allah, this is permissible, and that will be as a donating act on the behalf of the host. Allah knows best.
Question:In some countries, Fast-breaking Zakat is paid in the currency of the country, and there is no one who is entitled to the conditions of the Sharia, and it is not possible to benefit from it in other countries unless it is transferred to another currency in the country of the ones who deserve it. Otherwise, there will be no use of it. Is it permissible to exchange the currency into another one?
Answer:In the name of Allah, you should know that the duty of Fast-breaking Zakat is to pay the customary food in the country of payment. Furthermore, as in the question, you pay according to the price of food to be paid in the country where you want to pay Fast-breaking Zakat to the beneficiaries. Allah knows best.
Question:If the value of Fast-breaking Zakat is five thousand dinars, then a cash bill of ten thousand dinars will be deducted before the end of morning, five thousand dinars, with the intention of zakaat instead of food and five thousand dinars in the intention of charity. Is this permissible before the end of Eid morning? Or after the end of Eid morning?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is permissible. Try, my son, not to delay the payment till the end of the morning of Eid to the beneficiary or the legitimate ruler. Allah knows best.
Question:If the head of the family is to pay his Fast-breaking Zakat and all whom he is responsible for, but at the night of Eid, the head of the family alone will be a guest at his brother, for example. In this case, the host should pay the Fast-breaking Zakat: Firstly: What is the duty of the guest if the host does not pay the Fast-breaking Zakat? Will the host be sinful for not paying the guest’s Fast-Breaking Zakat? Secondly: If the host pays Fast-breaking Zakat of the guest, how will the head of the family (the guest) act with his Fast-Breaking Zakat, which he has already isolated?
Answer:A 1. In the name of Allah, the host should pay Fast-breaking Zakat of the guest, but if he did not do that before the end of the Eid, it will be in his debt. Allah knows best. A. 2. In the name of Allah, the guest should pay the Fast-Breaking Zakat of only those whom he is their breadwinner. Allah knows best.