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Question:Can I use a perfume that contains alcohol during prayer?
Answer:In the name of Allah, All kinds of perfumes that contain alcohol are impure, and it is not permissible to pray with them except after washing the place where perfume is put.
Question:Is Esperto pure?
Answer:Yes, all its types are pure. Allah knows best.
Question:Is a person who doubts the existence of Allah Almighty and says that he does not know whether or not Allah exists, does precaution require avoiding such a person in terms of purity, and is he ruled as an unbeliever?
Answer:In the name of Allah, this is an unbeliever, if doubt is entrenched in himself, and if that is in the form of imagination, he must say when this imagination comes: “there is no god but Allah and there is no resort or power except in Allah. In this case, he is not an unbeliever. Allah knows best.
Question:Are the people who follow a divine scripture regarded as impure?
Answer:In the name of Allah, I regard every unbeliever impure, and so as Al-Nasabi (the one who show hostility to Ahlulbait (PBUH)). Allah knows best.
Question:What does your eminence think about alcoholic perfumes, are they pure or impure?
Answer:In the name of Allah, they are impure because they contain alcohol. Allah knows best.
Question:Is the spot of blood in the eggs pure or impure, and what is the ruling on eating them?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the blood that is generated inside the egg is impure, but it does not mean that what is inside it is impure unless it is mixed with the whole egg. If a drop of blood is separated from the egg without mixing everything in it, it becomes totally pure. Allah knows best.
Question: Is the sweat resulted from the state of the forbidden Janabat pure, and is it permissible to pray in it?
Answer:In the name of Allah, yes, it is pure, and it is permissible to pray in it. Allah knows best.
Question:Is the skin that we cut and blood does not shed as a result of cutting, but it is alive, is it considered dead?
Answer:In the name of Allah, If you have made certain that it is alive, after cutting it, it is considered dead. Allah knows best.
Question:When the skin is cut and blood sheds, is it considered a dead body?
Answer:In the name of Allah, yes, if the severed skin was alive and cut before its death, then it is a dead body. Allah knows best.
Question:In the case of impurity, does impurity stop at the second or the third impurity? Is it conditional for the dirty body to be dried in order for the impurity to stop for having wet or is it unnecessarily?
Answer:In the name of Allah, impurity transfers with the moisture to one of the bodies, regardless of the various media. Allah knows best.