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Question:Why is the punishment for those in Hell everlasting if they failed to follow Islam and did not understand the truth?
Answer:In the name of Allah, know, my son, that the verses of the Qur'an explicitly state that the punishment for those who deny monotheism and the Prophethood is eternal, and they will remain tormented in the fire. Allah is the Guide.
Question:In the verse "And Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them" (Qur'an 3:77), how is purification done on the Day of Resurrection?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it refers to the forgiveness of sins and the cleansing of souls from their effects. It has been narrated that Allah, after commanding the people of Paradise to enter it, will instruct them to bathe in prepared basins. They will do so, and this will remove their fatigue and any remaining traces of worldly trials or forgiven mistakes that had left an impact on their bodies. Allah is the Guide and the All-Knowing.
Question:It was mentioned in some visitation texts or narrations that houris hit their chests in grief for Al-Hussain. Houris are in paradise meant for joy and happiness of the believers; how could they do that on Imam Hussain? His killing must have been very cruel and the criminals will be held accountant on the Judgment Day, but there is no sadness in paradise. If we are blessed with paradise, will there by hitting chests on Hussain and Ahlulbait (PBUT) or the grief and mourning gatherings are in this world only because some say that mourning gatherings are also held in Al-Hussain (PBUH)?
Answer:In the name of Allah, narrations and visitation texts which refer to happiness in paradise –Allah knows best- mean that it is after the end of this world, but not before that. In case these narrations are true, something must support them. The narrations mention that the Messenger and lady Zahraa (PBUT) mourned Imam Hussein. Are they not in paradise?!! Allah is the Guide.
Question:Is there a clarification of the status of people of understanding among the other statuses, such as the pious, the people of intellect, and others?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be informed, my son, that it is concluded from the narrations that the blessings of Paradise are spiritual, materialistic, intellectual and physical, unlike any blessing in the world. It is also concluded that they do not come to anyone's mind, and no eye has seen like them, but we acquire the knowledge about them when we enter heaven by the mercy of Allah Almighty. Allah knows best.
Question:How is it suitable that the harsh permanent penalty is given to the sinners in the hereafter, where the sins lasted for a specific period (in this life)?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be advised, my son, the ugliness of the sin cannot be measured with the period, but with the ugliness of the sin and the ugliness of the consequences. One may take over a house and live in it for a thousand years and may kill a person in a moment. Does your reason judge that residing in that house is uglier than killing the person in a moment? Furthermore, there are some narrations about Ahlulbait (PBUH) saying that the sinner is permanently thrown in the hell only because he insisted on his sin throughout all his life. So, his staying in hell for good is a result of his insistence rather than the duration of his sin.
Question:What is your opinion regarding reincarnation of the spirits with reference to “Al-Haft” book?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the reincarnation is false and some Quranic verses referred to that. The origin of this belief is from the Hindu scholars and philosophers. Its falsehood has been proven with evidence and proofs. For the book that you have mentioned, I have not received a copy yet so I can judge it. Allah is the all Guide and knowing.
Question:Is death considered a blessing?
Answer:In the name of Allah, if death is a bridge used for passing to paradise, then it is a blessing, but if it is leading to entering the hell, then it is not a blessing. That is why the prophet (PBUH&HF) chose death over the eternal life when he was asked to choose between going to the hereafter and staying for whatever period he wants. He (PBUH&HF) said that he would go to the dominion which means Allah ‘the hereafter’. Allah knows best.