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Question:Is all the speech in the prayers a supplication to Allah or part of it? Some of the sentences like "Alsalawat Ala Muhammad wa Alihi" (Peace be upon Muhammad and his Family) are suitable to be a supplication, but phrases like "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest) are not suitable to be a supplication?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the praying person stands before Allah, the Exalted. In the obligatory recitation, he recites the words of Almighty Allah before Him and in supplications he requests Allah. Allah is the Guide and Knowing.
Question:It is known that the Recommended Prayer [Nafila ] of Noon is dropped off during travelling. Is this applicable to the Nafila of the Juma’a [Friday] which is of twenty rikaa?
Answer:In the name of Allah, yes, It is dropped off during travelling. Allah knows best
Question:Is there a religious reason for shaking hands after finishing the prayer?
Answer:In the name of Allah, hand shaking is recommended. It is mentioned in some narrations that as long as a believer’s hand in another believer’s during handshaking, their sins keep dropping off. It is narrated that the handshaking took place among the prophets when they prayed behind the Messenger (PBUH&HF) at the Night of Israa [divine Journey from Mecca to Jerusalem]. No doubt that every praying person, though he is close to him in the position of the prayer, is away from the other praying person because they are directed to Allah. The more the praying person is directed to Allah, the further he is. After the prayer finishes, handshaking starts to have the rewards. Allah knows best.
Question:A person listens to music and prays the night prayer [Lail prayer]. Shall he have the rewards for the night prayer or not because he listens to what is forbidden?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be advised, my son, the acts of worship such as the daily prayer, the night prayer and the like have two stages: The first stage is to fulfil the validation of the act of worship and compliance to the divine order. In this act, it is enough to meet the conditions of validation. The second stage is the acceptance of the act by Allah. This depends on certain conditions; the most important ones are; believing in in Allah, the Messenger, and Ahlulbait (PBUT); disassociating from their enemies and having piety: Allah says “Allah only accepts from the pious ones” [إِنَّمَا يَتَقَبَّلُ اللّهُ مِنَ الْمُتَّقِينَ]. The act of worship in the first stage is valid, but it is under the hands of the angels and those who preserve the deeds unless Man acquires piety [taqwa] along with all the conditions of acceptance. If not doing this, man will be sent to hell first [may Allah forbid] until all one’s sins and disobediences are penalized. If Allah incudes this person in His mercy due to the divine wisdom, then he will be sent to paradise for the good deeds that he did. However, his body is kept marked as he was from those who have been in Hell and brought to Paradise. No one can imagine that he can bear the torture as one spark can burn the entire world. Do fear Allah, O believers. Allah is the All Guide.