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Question:Is it permissible to read the Quran, Hadithul Kisa, or any other supplication without ablution?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is permissible for all what you mentioned without ablution, but it is forbidden to touch the words of Quran without ablution in addition to the names and attributes of Allah. It is a precaution that the names of prophets, guardians and the lady of women (Peace be upon all of them) are not to be touched. Touch is achieved by simply touching any letter of the word mentioned. And it is better if the reciting is performed while the reciter is on ablution. Allah knows best.
Question:If the woman during ablution exposes her arms in front of the foreigner (non-muhrim), then she is considered sinful, but her ablution is correct. Is this action, which is to expose the arm that is entailed forbidden, is regarded as a secular or mandatory ruling? Is every secular ruling followed by a mandatory one?
Answer:In the name of Allah,, the act of exposing the arm to a foreigner is forbidden by the mandatory ruling. As for the secular, which is the validity of ablution, it is not related to the prohibition of exposing the arm. Most, but not all, mandatory rulings are followed by secular rulings, but not all. Allah knows best. Allah knows best.
Question:Whoever is certain that he has done ablution invalidator, and also he is certain that he has performed ablution, but he does not know whether ablution is after the invalidator or not so he can know whether or not he is on purity now, what should he do?
Answer:In the name of Allah, It is not permissible for him to start his prayer and other things that demand purity unless he is certain of that purity.
Question:If the person who is doing ablution knows that he washes his right hand, for example, but he doubts - and he is still preoccupied with ablution acts; whether he washed his hand properly from top to bottom, or wrongly from bottom to top?
Answer:In the name of Allah, he must repeat the act that he doubted in and then do the next on in order to achieve the correct ablution. Allah knows best.
Question:Is it permissible for the person who is doing ablution to take wetness from his beard which is extending out of the boundaries of his face?
Answer:In the name of Allah, if you mean getting wet for wiping, then it should be taken from the beard in the face, and if it is not possible, you can take it from the mustache, otherwise it is to be taken from the eyebrows as we said in our Guide of Islamic Rules. Allah knows best.
Question:If the Quranic word, or verse was not in the Quran, but rather it was in a book, letter, or paper, congratulation or condolences letter, or engraved on a ring, is it permissible to touch it?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is permissible to touch it without getting purified by ablution. Allah knows best.
Question:I am disabled (I have amputations) and I am completely dependent on my parents. In the case of my prayers, they perform my ablution, purity and even purification (empty-uterus inquiry; Istibraa). Is it permissible in the Sharia to pray my obligatory prayer without ablution, purity, washing and Istibraa? And what if my mom did the Istibraa for me and unintentionally she did not perform it correctly?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the prayer is not valid without being purified from the impurity. O my son, may Allah help you and your parents, and know that what you and your parents bear is your reward for you and you will earn the intercession of Muhammad (PBUH&HF) and his family. You and your parents will be the focus of this noble verse ((The angels will descend on those who said: 'Allah is Our Lord, ' and have then gone straight, (saying:) 'Be neither fearful, nor sad; rejoice in the Paradise you have been promised.)) The angels will welcome you on the gates of paradise saying peace be upon you "Salamun Alaikum", for that you were patient. ' Best is the Ultimate Abode. Wassalam.
Question:When performing ablution, a person is not satisfied with his wiping on head; he wiped again where the wet in his hair became more than that of his wiping hand which he wipes his foot with. Why is this wipe on the foot is considered as a wipe using foreign water?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be informed, my son, that the first wiping of the head has left moisture on the head and that moisture as long as it is on the palm as it is the moisture left over from washing that hand. When it separated and became on the hand or on any other object, it became foreign from the moisture of ablution, so here the ablution performer should dry his head before he re-wipes or he wipes in a different place on the head other than the place he wiped on the first time. Allah knows best.
Question:Can we perform ablution if there is oil on my hair?
Answer:In the name of Allah, If this oil is dense and includes density, the wiping is only valid after it is removed from the wiping position because the oil is waterproof. Allah knows best.
Question:While praying, if the person doubts whether he performed ablution or not, what should he do?
Answer:In the name of Allah, he must complete his prayer and perform ablution for the other prayer if he wants to pray it. Allah knows best.