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Question:What is your opinion regarding that visiting Imam Hussein (PBUH) on the day of Arafa is better than the delegated Ummrah and Haj?
Answer:In the name of Allah, visiting Imam Hussein (PBUH) is far better than the recommended Ummrah and Haj. Allah knows best.
Question:In the explanation of Ashura pilgrimage text in the part "I am in peace to whoever in peace with you, in war to whoever in war with you, an ally to whoever allies with you and an enemy to whoever an enemy to you." We can notice that there are different types of allegiance; political, economic, moral and theological allegiances. If there is an overlap among them, how would we deal with that?
Answer:In the name of Allah, presenting the best as per the scientific and jurisprudential scales. Allah knows best.
Question:What is the reward of visiting Imam Hussein (PBUH) and all other Imams (PBUT) on the day of Arafa? What are your instructions to the pilgrims on this occasion?
Answer:In the name of Allah, there is no narration mentioned to visit a specific Imam on this day. So, any one of them (PBUT) can be visited by the general pilgrimage text (Ziara Mutlaqa) which is mentioned in our authentic books in their favour. As for the master of the martyrs (PBUH), there is a specific pilgrimage text which is authentic and found in the books of pilgrimage texts and supplications. It is narrated that it has great rewards and that the heavenly kindness and mercy fall upon the pilgrims of Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein (PBUH) in preference to those who are in the holy Mecca. The pilgrim should seek to pledge to Allah, Hussein, and all the martyrs of the Taf, especially children and infants, not to commit a sin in the future, and request them to intercede in forgiving past sins so that he returns pious who deserves the acceptance of his deeds, especially the visitation. He should seek to pledge to Allah, Hussein, and all the martyrs of the Taf that he commits to the rights of all the people and Ahlulbait (PBUT) whether financial rights or others so that he returns with willingness to gain forgiveness from those Shia whom he oppressed and from all creatures whether humans or not. He should even be kind with animals which he has hurt and ask Allah to be a mediator between him and those whom he oppressed (as mentioned in the Monday supplication). What a better way for a Muslim to commit to this supplication. Allah knows best.
Question:When going to the holy Karbala to visit Imam Hussein and his brother Abu Al-Fadhl Al-Abbas (peace be upon them), which one would you prefer to visit first? Kindly mention of sources and hadiths.
Answer:In the name of Allah, be informed, my son, that there is no doubt that visiting Hussein (PBUH) is more honorable and better, but if the pilgrim intends to visit on Friday night, he can perform the Maghrib prayer in the shrine of Abi Al-Fadhl (PBUH) and then enter the shrine of Al-Hussein (PBUH), where by that time the night has fallen so that his entry to the shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH) will be on Friday night. If he enters the shrine before the sunset and performs his visitation, it will not be considered the visitation of the Friday night unless he recites the pilgrimage text after Maghrib prayer. My son, these are the ways and you can choose. Allah is the Guide and Knowing.
Question:It is mentioned in the pilgrimage text of Ameen Allah: "Peace be upon you, O Commander of the Faithful. I testify that you made utmost efforts, as it should be, in the cause of Allah." To the end of the holy text. When reciting this pilgrimage text, in the holy shrine of Imam Musa Ibn Jafar (PBUH), for example, shall I abide by the phrase "Peace be upon you, O the Commander of the Faithful" or do I have to say "Peace be upon you, O Musa Ibn Jafar"?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is not permissible to use the word “Commander of the Faithful” to anyone other than Abi Al-Hassanein (PBUH). Whoever does that will be afflicted, as it says in some narrations, with a virulent disease. As for us, Allah has forbidden us to use this honorable description to anyone other than the Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib (PBUH). Allah is the Guide and Knowing.
Question:What is the best book gathering the visitation texts of the pure Imams (PBUH)?
Answer:In the name of Allah, consult the book entitled “Mafateeh Al-Jinan” and the book “Kamil Al-Ziarat”. Allah is the all Guide.
Question:What is the ruling of visiting the Imams (PBUH) from distance? Are there some narrations about the guiding Imams (PBUH) mentioning the visitation from distance and are there specific texts for visiting every Imam? Or, it is the same visitation text to be recited in the shrine of the infallible (PBUH)? Is it permissible to use the same text to visit him (PBUH) from distance as we are from faraway and we miss our Imam (PBUH)?
Answer:In the name of Allah, in most cases the Imam (PBUH) is visited with the visitation texts narrated in the authentic books whether from distance or not. Allah knows best.
Question:What is the reward of visiting Imam Musa Ibn Ja’far Al-Kazim (PBUH) on the day of his martyrdom?
Answer:In the name of Allah, you may read a book of supplications like Mafateeh Al-Jinan. There is no doubt that it has great rewards and the least of which is getting the intercession of Imam Kazim (PBUH) on the day on which no money or sons avail except him who comes to Allah with a heart free from evil. This is on condition that the visitation is intended to get closer to Allah and also the visitor should not commit any sin whether minor or major. Allah is the all Guide and Knowing.
Question:I recite the Ashura visitation text every day, but I recite the curse once only because of the shortage of time. Does one time suffice or I have to recite it 100 times?
Answer:In the name of Allah, we recommend that one should recite it as instructed which is by repeating the two paragraphs 100 times otherwise the visitation would not be complete. Allah knows best.
Question:It is no secret to your highness that some people who are counted as Shia of the master of believers (PBUH) speak against those who are blessed with walking to commemorate the Arbaeen pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (PBUH). The latest of what we heard from those hypocrites is that they say: the Mawkibs which serve the pilgrims and the pilgrims themselves harm Karbala as they fill it with dirt and garbage; they cook food in the street and slaughter the sheep in the public yards; and fill the city with thousand tons of dirt and garbage and this does not suit the holy city; the pilgrims should come wearing the best clothes and put on the best perfumes. We stood against these trends that smell of Nawasib (those who show animosity to Ahlubait {PBUH}), and we told them that if they are keen on the cleanliness of the pilgrims and holy Karbala, then they should contribute to building modern slaughtering houses, bathrooms, increasing the number of health facilities, and building more Husseiniyas and halls because the number of Iraqi and foreign pilgrims doubles annually. Today, we are in strong need of your instructions of how to deal with such voices and silence them.
Answer:In the name of Allah, the monotheistic Muslim who knows the meaning of the basis of the religion being established by the master of the martyrs (PBUH) after being weakened and destroyed by the hands of the apostate of Islam, or whoever claims or pretends to be Muslim, must know and realize the greatness of the pilgrimage of Hussein (PBUH), for it gains honor from the honor and greatness of the master of martyrs (PBUH) and the rise of his honorable revolution that gave the spirit of continuity to true Islam. Preserving this pilgrimage is a renewal of his (PBUH) revolution and a watering of the tree of Islam whose fruits have blossomed with this revolution. What is mentioned by the arrogant people against the revolution of Imam Hussein (PBUH) is only a small part of the generosity towards the pilgrims as they are so many guests in the house of the generous man. There must be some garbage and waste because of the traveling. Is it wise for the generous not to host the guests who came to support him and give the pledge of allegiance to him? It is like the objecting person does not believe in the Imams (PBUT) urging to perform pilgrimage and speaking of high rewards to pilgrims. It must be known that what was mentioned smells of Nawasib and showing the Omayyad hatred towards Islam and Muslims, where Hussein (PBUH) is the lantern of guidance and the ship of salvation. Yes, we would like to address the municipality of Najaf and Karbala to take care of such issues so that there will be no shortcoming. Allah is the Guide for the rightfulness.