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Question:Is permissible that the Husseini preacher accepts to take money for preaching in Muharram?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is permissible. However, if the purpose of preaching is to take money, it is like the building constructor who takes daily fees or sells the things that can help in establishing the mosque. Should the preacher be in need for money to his own, his family expenditures and the books which he needs in serving the Husseini pulpit under the intention of getting closer to Allah, he would have deserved the money that is agreed upon and the rewards. We know that if the preacher works for free, his audience will be few. Yet, if he takes money in order to increase the beneficial attendants, taking the money and the preaching are acts of worship. Allah is the All Guide and Knowing.
Question:Is it wise to commemorate the tragedy of Zaid the martyrs (PBUH), do you encourage that?
Answer:In the name of Allah, why would you doubt the permissibility of this, my son?! Isn’t he from the prophet’s lineage, who was murdered unjustly for the sake of returning the reign to the legitimate rulers? He (PBUH) was one of those whom Imam Sadiq (PBUH) wept for. So, why would not we weep on him? It is known that he was oppressed and even his body which was held and crucified till his flesh dried like the wood. It is narrated about Imam Sadiq (PBUH) that he pray on him the dead prayer. Then, Imam Sadiq (PBUH) burned and spread his ashes in the river. Peace be upon him on the day he was murdered and on the day of resurrection where his grandmother embrace him with his blood to take revenge from whoever murdered, oppressed him and his lineage. Allah is the all-guide.
Question:What is your Eminence’s opinion in the Husseini speakers who speak about political issues in the country?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is known that Husseini speakers are preaching for the sake of Allah who takes the Husseini gatherings to promote right and prevent the spreading of corruption. They urge people to follow Allah and prevent them from following the Satan and embodiment of satanic desires. Since the politicians have such satanic issues, the religious duty of the preacher is to draw the politicians’ attention to such mistakes, as the preacher represents Imam Hussein and people who definitely would not accept any mistakes. This is the reason why it is imperative for the Husseini speaker to include politics in his preach. The Husseini speakers in their preaching follow Imam Hussein great slogan against corruption, saying “I did not come out for seeking joy, being arrogant, oppressor, or corruptor. I came out to seek reform to my grandfather’s [the Messenger of Allah] nation. I want to enjoin good and prevent evil”. All this is manifested under the holy saying of Allah: “Do call for your God’s way through good wisdom and preaching”. Allah is the all-guide and helper.
Question:1. What is your Eminence’s opinion if the Husseini speakers and/or chanters who ask for specific amounts of money for holding Husseini events? 2. What if Husseini speakers and/or chanters refuse to hold Husseini events due to the amount of money offered does not satisfy them?
Answer:1. In the name of Allah, holding events on the master of martyrs and other Imams PBUH), preaching and guiding are required. There are three categories: a. the Husseini preacher may specify the amount and may wish an increase for the sake of being respected and liked by people. In this case, the Husseini speaker tries to benefit the people in that he tries to increase his audience to learn what he spent most of his life learning. This person entitled to have the good in this world and the hereafter, regarding preaching and guiding. b. The Husseini speaker charges as a source of living for him and his family and for the expensive books he buys. This one is allowed for claiming money and will receive reward as well. c. The Husseini speaker takes the Husseini cause as a trade to earn from just like any constructor hired for constructing a house or mosques building. This person has only the money he will receive. Still, it is permissible for this person to do that. A.2. In the name of Allah, if this person should explain certain rules or refute certain religious doubts and faith, ten it is not permissible for him to do that if he can do the duty in this regard. If it is not this case, it is his choice to be one of the abovementioned categories. Allah is the all-knowing and guide.
Question:In religious events, candy and some food are distributed which can be harmful for the patient, even though the little amounts. Is it permissible for the patient to eat it under having blessings?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the patient should taste the food or candy in a very little amount. In this way, the patient will have two advantages: one is avoiding the harmful food and earning the blessings of rewards. Allah knows best.
Question:Is Hazrat Qassim (PBUH) married? Can we say this narration on the pulpit?
Answer:In the name of Allah, this was not mentioned in any authentic book. Moreover, the environment surrounding the plight of Karbala is not suitable for this occasion although it is mentioned in some unauthentic books. Allah knows best.
Question:A group of believers makes the necessary arrangements for the Husseini sessions annually exactly after the end of Ashura. The sessions are under the title “Repeating the Husseini Ashura”. They spend amounts of money on the sessions like paying the preacher, feeding the attendance and other expenses. Regarding rewards, which is better for them: repeating the Husseini Ashura or spending the amounts on charity, like renovating houses, building mosques, helping the patients, wedding the poor people and the like?
Answer:In the name of Allah, whatever you have mentioned is needed. The Imams (PBUH) were spending funds on Majalis (sessions) in other than Muharram times. Therefore, you should bear in mind that the issue of Husseini sessions and the charitable acts should go on. Allah is the All-Guide and Knowing.
Question:1. What is the requisite which renders an activity a Husseini ritual? 2. Is serving food in the Husseini preaching sessions (Majalis) considered a Husseini ritual?
Answer:1. In the name of Allah, be advised, my son, that the prophet (PBUH&HF) and the imams (PBUH) ordered us to show grief and sadness on their plights, especially the plight of Karbala and its consequences. This is concluded from the Imams’ (PBUH) saying (Our Shia have been created from the mud which we are created from. They become happy for our happiness and sad for our sadness). It is known that the way of showing sadness differs according to the time, place, and the surrounding environment, like the liberty, distress, fear of darkness. So, showing sadness should be done as far as possible, provided that there is not religious prohibition like male and female mixing. My son, beware of mixing with women and beware of listening to enemies of Al-Hussain (PBUH) as they prevent rituals like hitting with chains and other rituals, while they do not confess doing that. Yes, if you are a follower of a Shia religious authority (Marja’) and he prohibited you from some common acts, then you have to follow another religious authority and stick to his fatwas (verdicts). For me, it is permissible to perform the rituals common nowadays except these which are proved to be illegitimate (not religious) and we have a book entitled “Husseini Rituals” which you can get from our website. Allah knows best. A/2. In the name of Allah, Yes it is from the important Husseini Rituals. Allah knows best.
Question:Is it possible to use the donated funds for Muharram and nights of Imams’ (PBUH) martyrdom for feeding those who work or serve on these occasion? Those people are the ones who, for example: 1. Hanging the black clothing on the nights of martyrdom or in Muharram 2. Making the decoration on the birthday anniversary of the Imams’ (PBUH). Is it permissible to use some of the donated amounts for serving food for them?
Answer:In the name of Allah, if you took the donors’ permission for that, it is permissible, but if not, then it is not permissible to do that.
Question:The Islamic community is going through hard times and ideology warfare and suspicions that people seem to be suffering from. Through these warfare and suspicions, Husseini rituals, especially Husseini pulpit, seem to be facing a dangerous turn by people who have no idea about Shia oration, or understanding any of the Shia rituals or have taken any course in studying laws of Sharia and doctrine and use it as a profession. Those are called chanters. All what is mentioned above leads to a struggle between those chanters and those who study religion and have a great expertise with the art of oration. As a result, religion knowledge has spread in the community because those chanters have nothing to say in their Majlis but to forbid things. Respected Sheikh, what is your advice for those chanters and what is your advice for believers of the way they should deal with them?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the founders of Hosseini Majlis should choose their orators who are able to explain religious ideas safely. In addition, people should ask our office in case they have doubt in anything and ask about anything that is important to their religion. Allah is the all Guide.